April 23, 2020: 26 Years

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Getting old is a trip huh? Let’s take a break from The Last Dance discussion for a second. On this day 26 years ago, I started working at essentially the same place I am working today. Happy anniversary to me?

Yeah, my day job… where I actually make money, not a ton of money, but enough to get it done, or at least keep the debt reasonable… somewhat reasonable. To think that I have been doing this longer than a lot of folks have been alive is a true fire symbol that I am getting old. I have been doing this approximately 60% of my life. That’s kind of scary. How much longer do I have? To work that is, not to live… although both are good questions. I always said I wanted to retire at the age of 50; well, clock is ticking man. If I work until the normal retirement age of 66, I still have 23 more years to go… at least I’m more than halfway there, right? At 66, if I continue to work until that age, considering I started working other jobs at the age of 15, I will have worked 77% of my life! F that.

What else we going to do anyways? Well, I could think of a lot of things to do other than work, problem is most of those things cost money, and thus, money is a necessary evil… so we keep grinding. It really is a grind at times, especially lately, dealing with all this COVID stuff. Although on the flip side, continuing to go to work brings a level of normal in this world that’s been flipped upside down. I’m very fortunate to continue to work… a lot of folks aren’t that lucky. I am definitely thankful for that. To be at the same place for 26 years is something else. Staying at one place for that long usually means you’re making less money than what you could be make jumping from place to place; I believe that is a true statement. Staying at one place for that long is something to be proud off too though; at least that’s what I tell myself, and many of the other people that I’ve been working with for most of this time. Loyalty is not rewarded like it used to be, especially in the corporate world. But is that why we do it?

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It feels good to be recognized, but that shouldn’t be THE reason we do it. We do it for a number of reasons, like that money thing I talked about for one, but more than that, for our families. Putting up with the BS, grinding through the day to day, we do it for them; doing things for others is really a powerful thing. What about my career? Yeah, what about it… overrated I think. Is that just an excuse for staying put? Is that just my rationale for not trying to get something better? Maybe. Maybe I’m happy with what I do. Maybe it’s more than just the money. Maybe there are other perks that come in handy, especially at a time like this. Maybe those are more excuses..

Today is one of those days for reflection… this day, my birthday, and the start of a new year. Where do we go from here? Well, with the state of things in the world, it’s a day to day proposition at this point. With so many things out of our control, it’s really time to focus on what IS in our control; that’s a good motto to use even after the worst of this is over. What is in my control, and what am I going to do about it?

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