August 25, 2023: New High

posted in: Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 0

Orioles, Angels, and Titans oh my… They were my 3 plays on Friday night; those were my 3 winners on Friday night. I have certainly been undefeated on an evening of betting… 1 game, maybe 2… 3 games? That feels special. Maybe it feels a bit more special because these 3 wins brought me to my new high balance point in Draft Kings: $61.71… woo hoo!!!

Remember, I started this journey with $3 in my account, and now, a few months later, have increased it by 20x. That’s still a good way to look at it, right? I mean, sure, the bets have been $1… then $2… and now, my unit play has been increased to $3… so small increments, but large percentage gains, which, in my brain, tells me, as my units increase to larger increments, and if I continue with similar percentage gains, then I’ll be making some money eventually, right? Well, that’s the hope. Of course, increasing your balance 20 fold probably cannot be counted on, but… you get my drift right? Have we been over this before?

I’m not sure if I’m chasing a pipe dream, or actually working towards something from day to day. I do read a lot about the games; I have tracked a lot of data on the MLB games, and have found some sweet spots. Still, from day to day, I still hesitate to make plays; sometimes I kick myself, other times I’m happy I didn’t. Maybe that doesn’t ever go away? I guess I just feel like I cannot skip ahead, make a decision to skip steps, try to take the fast route. If this is going to turn into a side gig for me, then I need to do it right, put the right amount of time in, stay disciplined, etc, etc… However, every time I hit a milestone (as if $60 is really a milestone…), I try to slow down; maybe I need to speed up… you know, ride the hot streak vs thinking it’s going to go oppo on you, although I guess every trend eventually evens out somewhat…

Round and round in my head these thoughts go, where they will end up, nobody knows. College football is coming too; more stuff to read about… more opportunities to win money… more chances to lose money. The king is coming with the NFL season right around the corner. We still have a month of regular season baseball, then comes basketball. It’s the kind of ride that never stops; there will always be more opportunities. I guess that’s one way my mind has changed… when I lose, I don’t take it as hard… sure, losing $3 is no big deal, but more than just that, I just look forward to the next opportunity to win some money. One thing is sure, there are ALWAYS opportunities… which way you go is the kicker.

OK, back to it… although just like everything else, life gets in the way… you know, my real job, my family, etc… you need time for all of this, and sometimes I just don’t have it. That’s the time to NOT bet… I don’t HAVE to bet every day (another learning lesson), because, you know… there are always games tomorrow. Let’s keep it rolling…

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