August 31, 2021: The Wrong Choice

posted in: Bears | 2

OK, let’s beat this dead horse one more time. Justin Fields should be the starting QB for the Chicago Bears… now. Any questions?

Yes, we’ve seen many people talking about this same thing, and no, I’m not saying this because they’re convincing me of anything. I’ve been saying this for a while. I’ve also been saying that we’d probably be disappointed; that yes indeed, Andy Dalton will be our starting QB when we take the field in Week 1 in LA. I was right, unfortunately.

Yes, there are those people who have came out in support of the decision; they’re wrong. But hey, everybody has an opinion; that’s what makes the world go around. Except in this case, my opinion is right. There is absolutely no reason why we have to be subjected to watch another retread play the most important position on our football team. This is the NFL. Shouldn’t the best man be playing, at every position, including the most important one? If you’re going to try to argue that Dalton is better than Fields right now, then you’re a real idiot.

Fields IS better than Dalton; this is a very good thing. Shit, we traded up, took another swing at the MOST IMPORTANT POSITION in football, and it appears that we didn’t miss. Justin Fields looks to be the goods. Who knows how good he can be, but at least we’re going to be starting off at a higher level than our last attempt at this franchise QB thing. So yes, I am very happy about the fact we have someone on the roster that is better than Dalton and Foles, so naturally, I’m fricking ecstatic that we get to watch him hold a clipboard to start the season…

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It is the wrong decision, period; there’s no convincing me otherwise. Why waste games? The NFL is the shortest season; every game is that much more important. So we’re going to NOT put our best foot forward in Week 1, 2, 3….??? Fields gives us the best chance to win right now, and that is why he should be playing… I’m not sure how much more simpler I can state this.

But… hopefully, this is much ado about nothing. Hopefully, Dalton’s role as interim starting QB only lasts a few weeks. Yet, what is our record when Nagy finally decides to make the switch? It has to be a losing record, right? That’s smart. Don’t bring the kid in when we’re 0-0; let’s bring him in when we’re 1-3…. makes sense. Although based on the unorthodox way he handled the QB swapping last year, who the hell knows. Is he really the one making these decisions? I think you’re OK Nagy; I’m trying to continue to think this… don’t be an idiot.

Maybe the Bears just want to give Dalton a shot at playing his old team, the Bungles, in Week 2. Awww… isn’t that special? I don’t give a rat’s ass about that. I also don’t give a crap what bill of goods Dalton was sold to sign here. We found a better QB, sorry, not sorry. He will be starting now. We’d appreciate your support… and oh yeah, you’re still going to get paid. Any questions?

2 Responses

  1. bullwinkle

    Haven’t like Nagy for a couple years now. I still think we should bribe Bill Cowher out of retirement and back onto the field. I know they paid Dalton big bucks, but we know who and what he is, and at this point, you are correct, he should be the back-up, and let’s get this kid in the game. He’s the best chance we have at a winning season.

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