August 9, 2020: Shark Week

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Man, with the PGA tournament going on, and the Sox Indians game, what was I going to watch Sunday night? Easy: the start of Shark Week.

First off, not a really big golf guy. I like to go drink… I mean golfing once in a while, sure; it’s fun. Not really going to sit there and watch it. I will turn it on occasionally; sometimes it’s peaceful to watch. I liked watching Tiger when he was on his game. But I’m not going to plan around it or anything like that. I don’t care if it’s a major or not, any Cubs regular season game would trump it. Since the Cubs weren’t playing… thanks Cardinals… we got the Sox on Sunday night. Not really a big Sox guy. Not interested in watching them play; this is nothing new. I did tune in to see the final out though; that was fun. The Sox are a 500 team; we kind of knew they would be, right?

Right, so Shark Week began on Sunday night. You’re damn right we were tuned in to watch the “breach” contest to kick things off. It’s funny how they seem to come up with different names for stuff as they go along, or maybe it’s just me. I don’t religiously watch Shark Week either year over year, although I will catch a good amount of it. As long as it doesn’t interfere with my Cubs viewing, we’re good. If it’s something really cool, like Phelps vs Shark a couple years back, we’ll record it and watch it together. This year it was another “match-up”.

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Tyson vs Shark; heck yeah! That was pretty fun to watch. Tyson didn’t pull any punches; I don’t think he was acting scared. You don’t really see that from Tyson, but who wouldn’t be afraid? I know I would be. I think I would do it… not the last thing he did, but if I could get into a cage to watch sharks up close and personal, I would. As far as that last thing, standing in the water surrounded by them… I’ll pass. I know, trust the experts around me, but man… they are wild animals and anything could happen. When Tyson lunged at the one shark, that could have turned ugly; he calmed down after that. He got into his zone, and put one to sleep. That’s crazy… what did they call it? Again, one of those terms I’ve never heard, but maybe I’m just not a shark aficionado.

It was really cool though. Watching that competition and them talking about “Air Jaws”, I thought of another cool Shark Week feature. Imagine this: Air Jordan vs Air Jaws. Watch those rating come rolling in; I don’t think Mike would do it though. He’s not Shaq, who like my son says, is in just about every commercial and/or show that’s out there nowadays. Still, let’s compare how high Mike could jump vs how high a shark gets out of the water. Cool right? Maybe even have a basket above the decoy to see the shark slam dunk? Yeah buddy. Simulate them side by side. The possibilities are endless.

Guess we’ll be back to sports as we start a new week. Cubs back Tuesday; Hawks vs Golden Knight Tuesday late. That sounds like a good day; now we just have to get through Monday to get there… that’s a battle in itself sometimes.

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