February 1, 2022: The Hate Files LI

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I was taking a shower this morning, and for some reason, I was thinking about the NBA Eastern Conference standings. It’s nice to see the Bulls at the very top of the conference, where they belong, but I was thinking about another team I saw near the top, that surprised the hell out of me: the Cleveland Cavaliers. How in the hell? I got to thinking about the Cavs, specifically those teams that MJ & crew owned starting with The Shot back in 1989. They had some good squads; Daugherty, Price, Nance, Hot Rod, and of course, Ehlo. It was just another great team during that timeframe that didn’t bring home a title thanks to MJ. Then I started thinking about one guy in particular, which brings us to the first installment of The Hate Files in this Year of the Tiger 2022.

Danny Ferry; remember him? Yeah, for some reason this morning, I remembered him… I remembered that I hate him. It wasn’t because he played at Duke University, although in general, I hate Duke. My first memory of Duke was Johnny Dawkins battling with Pervis Ellison in the 1986 National Championship game; I was actually rooting for them. Little did I know, Danny Ferry was a freshman on that team. It makes no sense for me to hate Coach K, since he is from Chicago, actually from the same neighborhood where I lived for a while with my girlfriend, now wife. But yeah, can’t stand Duke. I also didn’t hate Danny Ferry because he refused to play for the team that drafted him, the LA Clippers. What a punk though, huh? You get picked and then just blow that team off? Who does that? Didn’t Eli Manning do that too? Anyways, Ferry went to play overseas for a minute before coming back and signing a 10 year deal with the Cavs; 10 year deal?!?! WTF, dumb asses. It was in that 10 year time span where we got to know Danny Ferry a little more personally. Fast forward to the 1992 Eastern Conference Finals, when Danny Boy, after trying to fight his way through a pick, decided he was going to take a couple swings at MJ. You come at the king, you best not miss. He brushed MJ with a couple deflecting blows. MJ then cocked his right arm back about to knock him the F out, but Ferry turned his back and walked away; probably best for both parties. Ferry would have been laid out and Jordan would have been kicked out and/or suspended. MJ didn’t throw that punch at the back of Ferry’s head, although I’m sure he wanted to…

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Ferry would finally end up winning an NBA title with the Spurs as the last guy off the bench in his last year in the league. He never lived up to his high draft selection and that big contract the dummies in Cleveland gave him. He didn’t completely flame out; he stuck around for a while, made some good money averaging extremely pedestrian numbers. Why did Danny take those shots at Jordan? Was it a Duke UNC thing? Was he just tired like everybody else on that team and in that stadium that cheered him afterwards of getting beat down by the Bulls? Was it the fact that he never lived up to expectations, while MJ on the other end was carving out his place on the Mount Rushmore of all time athletes? Whatever it was, when this 15 year old saw this, I wanted to jump through the TV and kick his ass. This morning, when this all went through my head again, I felt those feelings all over. So I thought what better way to get back at Danny then giving him his very own Hate File…

Maybe Danny was just a hater at the end of the day. Another Dukie that never could duplicate his success in the league, watching a rival Tarheel ascend to greatness. A member of a very good Cavalier club that could never get over the hump because of that same guy. Hey, I guess he had to try something. If Ferry had stuck in there, and Jordan had followed through with his punch and got suspended, maybe the Cavs beat the Bulls and move on to the Finals to face the Blazers. Can’t blame him for trying, but I certainly can hate him for it. Thing is, the Pistons and Knicks did much worse and you see how that worked out… So good bye for now Danny Boy, and welcome to your permanent place in my lovely place of hate. I’d pay to see Jordan knock your ass out today, or better yet, accept a small gift from MJ to do it myself…heck, I’d do it for free. Peace out punk ass bitch.

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