February 16, 2021: The Beautiful Grind

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I feel like this would be a good title for a book: The Beautiful Grind. This is life, no? It ain’t easy, but you can’t tell me it ain’t beautiful. Making sure to appreciate the beauty of it all is important. It may not always be easy to see, and sure as hell doesn’t feel like it sometimes, but it is.

Take Chicago winters for example. We’ve been getting off easy these past few years. Sure, we did have the Polar Vortex/Chi-beria days a couple years ago, but snow… what snow? I like snow… and now, I have it coming out of my ears; hey I wanted it right? I keep having to remind myself each time I pick my ass up and go shovel outside. I like to shovel, but after countless times, and feeling my age, getting a snow blower doesn’t seem like a bad investment. I don’t know… eventually I’ll have to break down and get one. Until then, hi ho, hi ho…

Yeah, the winters can certainly be a grind at times. I always think of that commercial… it’s time to make the donuts. You get into a routine; thankfully, I like routines. Get up at 6am, spend 15 minutes in my office, walk the dog, have cereal with my son, take a bath, get ready for work, drop my son off at school, then my wife drops me off at work; it used to be the train, but you know, COVID and all… And then work… check emails, send follow ups, jump on a conference call, have another meeting, check emails, send follow ups… it goes on and on and on. I love my routines, but sometimes I feel like I’m really grinding through. With the weather so cold, the snow piled up, and oh yeah, a global pandemic going on, it can get heavy…

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You need to recharge the batteries. Depending on how you typically do that, and depending on how you are treating the pandemic, ‘rona may have put some kinks into that. Yep, no vacation, no eating out, no movies, no sports for my son… the list goes on; everybody has theirs. Yet taking a couple days off this past weekend did wonders for that battery. Yeah, I walked into a weather crisis at work when I came back, but I was able to deal; it didn’t seem as bad as it would have… maybe if I hadn’t taken those days off.

And taking that time off, and spending it with my wife and son, the beauty of life is apparent. We always want more… to do this, to do that, to have this or that, to go here or there… I want all of that too. I just never want to get in a place where I can’t appreciate what is right in front of me, because it’s a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of folks. In fact, in general, I am happy. Yeah, and maybe it doesn’t take much for that, because I’m a guy, and I just take it as it comes, and accept things… but it’s more than that. It starts with realizing that this life is a gift; what’s the alternative? Would you rather not have this gift? Being able to get up everyday and see, hear, smell, taste, feel the beauty… that will NEVER get old. There is always something… to be happy about, to be appreciative about… at least that’s what I think… and this is my blog/website… so… OK, back to sports.

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