January 12, 2020: The Hate Files XLI

posted in: Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 1

I can’t believe it… it’s been almost 1 year since my last Hate File. Is that a good thing? Well, it’s not good to hold in certain feelings; I am good holding certain feelings in from time to time. You need to let it out. For me, the Hate Files, is one way of letting it out. This one makes a lot of sense.

Before we get to the newest member of this exclusive club, let’s look at some of the previous members that are related to this one. Green Bay Packers, Lebron James, Kevin Love, ESPN, Los Angeles Lakers, and the NBA all have had previous Hate Files. Like I said this one makes sense…

This was another case of the ill will bubbling up over time. Since he is from Chicago, I held it in for as long as I could; I always like to support people from my hometown. He came on the NBA scene; I was a fan. He stood with the team that drafted him and tried to bring success to the franchise; you don’t really see that too much any more. Then it all started to change…

I get it; people get sick of losing. You want to go somewhere and win; you can’t hate anybody for that, right? So he demanded a trade; I’m sure it was told to the owner/GM so that they can get a good package for him. But wait, no, it was a public trade demand; first misstep in my opinion. Then after putting his team between a rock and a hard place, he finally got his wish. His one eyebrow self was traded, and plays along side the basketball player I like the least, on one of the teams I like the least. Still… I resisted. Then, this Chicago guy shows up to Lambeau Field wearing a Packers jersey… OK, I’m done. I hate you Anthony Davis.

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If you really gave a shit about your original team, you would have handled this “I want to play somewhere else” feeling differently. You would have worked with the front office, privately, trying to look out for them, as you turn your back on them. Trying to ensure they get a fair return for you, while you go pursue your championship “dream” with another NBA team…. or was it to better market yourself??? So much for leading YOUR team to victory; I hope you never win one now. And yeah, you didn’t just want to go play for any team, you wanted to play along side the self-proclaimed king, who I’m sure heavily influenced this decision. Playing with Lebron James is a big checkmark against you in my book. I liked Kevin Love before he decided to do that BS. This one is a little different… Kevin Love was a piece to the puzzle for Lebron as he tried (and did) to bring a title back to Cleveland. You are actually the guy that will have to carry Lebron to one in LA; I hope you don’t mind carrying a full grown man. I can see it now… you, holding up the chair, carrying “king” lewhine above your head on the court. He needed you, and you willing agreed to it. Sucker. Be your own damn man and carry your own damn team… but no… this team had to be the Lakers, or Fakers as I like to call them, which seems to fit now more than ever, as you walk into the stadium with your purse on. The ESPN darling Lakers with the ESPN darling Lewhiner… man do I hate the NBA today.

Yet, I didn’t even care that much because I don’t think the Lakers will actually pull it off this year. The Clippers are better for starters, and maybe even the Bucks. I look forward to seeing you fail, but didn’t hate you for it; again, main reason, you were from Chicago. Then you go ahead and wear a Packers jersey and go to the game at Lambeau; need some more attention??? Like demanding a trade, going to play with lebum on the fakers in hollywood wasn’t enough; you’re dead to me now. Punk ass kid from Chicago roots for Packers; pathetic. You have completed the front runner checklist; congratulations. I thought you were “injured” too… gluteus maximus is what it says on the old internet. So you show up with your hurt ass at a football game? Load management eh? There’s a reason the NBA is going straight in the tank.

You think you’re going to be the face of the NBA now? Nah… you’re just another Lebum cronie. One day, saying you want to come home to play with the Bulls, while the next day flat out denying it. You’re learning from the best though… but don’t appreciate you playing with Bulls fans’ emotions. It all adds up to a Hate File for you. So Merry late Christmas, but that’s OK, because you now know all about people showing up late to things. Enjoy fake ass LA you fake ass bitch. You’re welcome; peace out!

  1. Mo

    Anthony Davis (Baby James) in a Packers jersey….hmmm what to say. I really can not think of much…but you say your from the south side of Chicago, yet dawn the 2nd most hated jersey in sports, next to the turd-birds….I really think we are the ones who don’t get it. I think its just common knowledge to turn your back on the team that drafted you, the city you grew up in, your family and friends. I just think its about time WE woke up and said that there is no more loyalty in the world anymore. I am not talking about jumping ship for money. I am talking about loyalty to who you are and where you came from. Next will be your wife, kids, parents…its just easier….and that what AD’s generation does.

    No one wants to work for anything anymore, no one cares how they get a ring or who they represent, just give me, give me, give me. AD in a Packers jersey, why not have MJ in a Knick jersey…who cares right? These players in ALL leagues just do what they want, when they want and then when they are close to retirement, sign a one day contract to retire thinking they are going to be famous for the rest of their life.

    NOT in Chicago!! What a bitch move for someone who grew up here…what, did he spend one to many summers in Wisconsin Dells? Mommy did not hug him enough? Got picked last in kickball with this feakin unibrow?? Some things in life you just don’t do. I can envision myself moving from IL, but never moving on…my heart will always be here but this dude is NUTS!

    But I guess if John starks can become a Bull, then anything is possible! Whatever!

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