July 16, 2020: Comedy is Hard

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In today’s world, there is more “material” than ever; there is a cornucopia of things to make fun of. At the same time, people have become over the top sensitive about everything. I think comedy is hard in general; it must be even harder now.

I’ve started following a few comedians on Twitter recently. With all the BS out there, you need that comedic relief… OK, I need that comedic relief. The comedy focuses on Trump, the easiest target of all time I think. People get so pissed at him; I get it though. Then there are those others who will blindly defend him. It all has just boiled down to picking a side, and if someone is on the other side, then FU. It doesn’t exactly work that way, at least it shouldn’t. Now I certainly 110% think Trump is a dipshit, but I’m not going to label somebody who says something positive about him (there are some things right?) as my sworn enemy. He certainly has succeeded in his quest to turn folks against each other… big time… but we have the power to make the right choice… we own our decisions and actions… got nobody to blame for that.

OK, back to the comedy… there’s an impersonator that talks just like him. There’s a lady who lip syncs his actual voice. There’s a redneck dude who looks like what most would think is a typical Trumpster who displays the stupidity by ridiculously “defending” him. There’s another lady who gets on there and “defends” wearing no masks in public and other idiot politicians through ridiculous points. It’s all hilarious to me. Even more hilarious are the comments to the posts, especially for those last two. Seeing something and jumping all over it and not realizing it was sarcasm… that’s some funny shit to me.

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And what about all the jokes about stereotypes? I’m guessing those are extinct now… Those were some of my favorites of all time. It didn’t matter what race, religion, sex… even if it applied to my personal “stats”… those were funny. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not about the hate. I don’t hate any specific person for the way they look or what they believe. But I guess I’m a racist because I like jokes making fun of a group of people? Or maybe I’m a pervert because I like sex jokes? Not buying it… well, at least not the racist part… I think one of the biggest things missing today is a person’s ability to laugh at themselves.

Who by the way are all these people on social media shouting their opinions the loudest? Certainly not the majority of the people in this country that are trying to get it done one way or another. All these people wanting to go viral with their harsh words or partial video clip… looking for more followers. To all those folks I say “get out into the world”… have some interactions with people… talk to people… be nice… do something good… contribute something positive to making the world a better place. All this negativity, all this if you don’t think like me FU, all this overreaction about everything… it’s brutal. How did we get here?

OK, I’m done. I’m going to get back to one of my most important jobs: making sure I do everything possible to help my son be the best person he can be. It starts with showing him a good example. I need to really hone in on that. I know that one day he will make great contributions to this world; I guess I still have some time to do the same… OK, goodbye for now. And remember, don’t worry, be happy. If you don’t agree, then FU… haha. Peace.

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