July 2, 2020: Dishes

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Well, I guess baseball is back… The day the Quintana news broke, you know, when he almost cut off his thumb washing dishes, got a bunch of stitches, and will be out for the start of the abbreviated season, my Twitter timeline went nuts. I had actually seen a picture posted a day or two before with Q walking around Wrigley with a splint on his thumb; the speculation began. Then it was announced. Now we have another strange injury to talk about. The thumb on his pitching hand??? That can’t be good. Morale of the story: Don’t wash dishes. Surely Q can afford a dishwasher, although I get it; I never liked using one of those things. I actually don’t mind washing dishes, but then again, my livelihood wouldn’t be put in jeopardy if I cut my finger. But man, everybody and their mama was putting this story out there; everybody finally got a juicy tidbit and pounced on it. All good.

What’s not all good is how this baseball season is going to develop. I don’t care about the whole asterisk thing or not, like if this season will actually count like a normal one. If they’re playing it, then it is going to count… unless of course a team that I don’t like wins it all, then for sure it was an unofficial season… haha. The interesting thing to keep track of is all the players that will opt out. There are already a bunch of positive cases coming down… Then there’s those folks that for safety concern will sit this one out. Must be nice to be able to do so. Most people just can’t skip a year if their job resumes, but I get it. If you can afford to do so, then why not, right?

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These athletes live in a world that most of us cannot relate to. We love these guys. We buy their jerseys. We go see them play. We watch them on TV. Sports is an important part of a lot of folks’ lives, both for fans and for the people whose jobs depends on them. As fans, we have to suck it up; not the end of the world. For the people whose jobs depends on them playing, not so much. Sports is a big part of the economy of the cities they’re played in. There is so many things impacted in the big business that is professional sports. Our “sports heroes” don’t just fill their pockets with their talent; they help fill many peoples’ pockets, and I’m not talking about the owners. Imagine for a second that there will be no live sports the rest of the year. Forget about the impact on us folks who love watching it. Think about the impact of every individual whose livelihood will be negatively impacted by it.

It’s for this reason, that the show must go on. The show WILL go on, with or without how many ever players decided to sit out. Is it fair to talk crap to those players who make that decision? I don’t think so. This is a personal decision, no doubt. Yet, we can certainly be thankful for all those players who do decide to play. They will play a big part in this step back to normalcy for many of us.

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