June 8, 2020: Waiting for Baseball

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Hopefully these last few months we have increased our patience. This is critical in the day to day, uncertain world that we have been living in with this COVID. Hopefully we will take what we’ve leaned on and continue to take this approach as the world starts to speed back up. We need to remember what is most important. Hopefully you and your family have been healthy through it all; this is the most important thing right now. If you continue to have financial stability through all of this, that is a second blessing. Everything else is gravy at this point; the absence of live sports sucks… I miss them tremendously… but the fact that I can check those two boxes, at the end of the day, I’m good.

OK, now that the stage is set, what the heck are you doing baseball??? You’re going to tell me that hockey and basketball got their act together before you did? I’m kind of shocked by that. If there is one of the major sports where social distancing is the most possible, it’s baseball. Grant it, in the seasonal order of things, basketball and hockey typically finish their season first; the fact that they have their houses in order before baseball makes sense in that aspect. Yet, baseball could have been the first one back…. they blew it.

They’re continuing to blow it. Supposedly we will have baseball… I mean, yeah, I would hope so. Everyone has seen baseball happening in Korea; what’s the difference? I already talked about millionaires vs billionaires… is that really what it’s all about? That’s sad. I blame both the owners and the players. Everyone is going to be impacted by whatever solution is put in place; a full season was out the door a long time ago. Something is better than nothing; share the financial hit fairly. It doesn’t seem that complicated to me. And if this continues to go back and forth, when does Manfred step in and get it done? That’s what I would expect at this point. Assuming he’s been involved the whole way, maybe that’s a bad assumption, he needs to step it up and get a deal signed by all, period. The longer this goes on, the worse baseball looks.

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How many fans will they lose? You can ask that for all sports, but those fringe fans… they may not come back in the same numbers. Sure, us die hards will be there no matter what, but those other casual fans? That boat may have already left the dock. The longer these sports are absent, the more boats will leave. That’s why this was a critical opportunity that baseball had and blew. Yet, if we’re putting safety first, should any of these sports really come back yet?

I understand everyone is feeling their way through it; what is the right way to act right now? However, when it comes to baseball being absent, it certainly feels like the biggest beef is money, and at this time, that feels extra shitty. I really do miss the Cubs; I miss baseball. I hope they figure it out soon… still waiting for baseball…

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