March 31, 2021: Decade Time

posted in: Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 2

OK, going to stray off the beaten path for a minute, on this here 31st of March. Of course, this is a special day in my life; my one and only tattoo tells me so. It was on this day, 20 years ago, that I met a girl who would eventually change my life. It was a hard fought battle, but she won… ahem, I mean, WE won. Yes, 10 years after that day, to the day, we got married. And now here we sit, celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary; congrats to us!

This shit ain’t easy right? Anybody who takes the plunge, walks the plank, however you want to describe it, knows what I am talking about. But then again, what in life that is really worth it can be considered easy? You have to work at it; this is what I tell my son when it comes to school, sports, and/or whatever. Practice makes perfect, or so they say. Yet, nobody is perfect; this much I am confident about. But the whole saying “perfect for each other”… yeah, I think that can apply to us… most days.

Because how can the good times really be appreciated without the bad? Maybe that sounds like BS to some, but I think there is some truth in that statement. There will always be bad, some of our own doing, some of things outside of our control, like this whole pandemic for one. It’s been a doozy for everybody, in one way or another; we’re not excluded from that group. But it’s almost gone right? Or wait, are the numbers back on the rise in Chicago? Well, we both have both of our vaccines; we did it together… like we do the majority of things. We’re fine; we survived. It’s a choice, for sure, one we decided to make rather easily. There is a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, yes? Yes!

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So we’re going to celebrate dammit! Going to see that Van Gogh experience. We actually visited the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam on the first leg of our European honeymoon ten years ago; that was awesome. It’ll be nice to get some more Van Gogh in our lives. We’ll head out for some lunch afterwards; we still would rather dine outdoors, but not sure if the weather this last day of March in Chicago will cooperate. Then we’ll make the pickup, of quite possibly the greatest thing we ever did together, our son. This will be the last day of school for him before his spring break, and oh yeah, he’ll have his birthday on Saturday; just missed being born on his parents’ anniversary… would have been just like me. He is like me; he is like her. I’d like to think he has the best of both of us, but we know he’ll have our bad parts too. That’s OK.

Yeah, so Happy Anniversary babe. Depending on whether she’s mad at me or not, she may or may not read this; I think she will. But just like every day in this here blog/website, my writing it does not hinge on who’s reading it, although I have my readers out there; love you too! But this life thing, yeah, it does hinge on something, or somebody I should say, and that would be my wife, of 10 years today. Hey, I think I made a rhyme too. Here’s to a 10 year extension of our contract! Love you.

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