March 7, 2023: Betting Check

posted in: Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 0

As I continue to get current, an easy subject to spout off about for a minute, is my Draft Kings account. Yeah, let’s do a quick betting check.

Spoiler alert: I still have money in my account. It’s about 2 months later now, and… I think I’m managing my degenerate ass pretty well. Can’t recall what I have and haven’t said in these pages, but I reached my high point a couple weeks ago at about $415 up; I was feeling good. I had my eyes set on the $500 plateau, at which point, I would increase my bet size; enough wading around in the shallow end with my small bets. Why should I wait until then? I could increase my bet size now, and capitalize on my pretty decent run; glad I didn’t do that. The wheels came off for a minute; now that I think about it, yeah, I did mention this, but so what. When the dust settled, I had lost half of my winnings; how the heck? It was a familiar feeling, but one that I hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe I should just cash out my $200 and call it a day…

No. I’m making it to March Madness, but first, the conference tourneys. I was excited to bet on them. I was back on the upswing, building my account back up to $360; yes, the roller coaster ride was in full effect. I would be back over $400 in no time, but then… yeah, you guessed it; a couple more steps back. This shit ain’t easy, but that’s an obvious statement; if it WERE easy, everybody would be doing it. Trust me. When someone tells you they’re making a killing, take it with a grain of salt, because at the end of the day, most of us, are barely staying a float… if we’re lucky. It’s just like Vegas actually… the longer you stay, the more you bet, the more likely you are going to lose your money; it’s being put to the test right now.

Maybe I should pull out? It was a fun, albeit short, ride. I’m going to keep pushing. I asked my wife if there’d been any ill-effects of my return to gambling; she said no, although I do talk more about it to her than I should: point taken. I’ll keep doing my thing, when I have the time to do my thing, and hope to push that account in a positive direction. IF I can do that, IF I have a decent balance come the end of basketball season, then maybe I stop; who bets on baseball anyways? Hold my beer… haha.

So yeah, focused on the conference tourneys all week, trying to get back to my high point in time for the Madness; that would be cool. There is the NBA calling my name every night though too… again, this shit ain’t easy. Just when you think you have it figured out, bam! Thank God I’ve kept my bets small, and that I haven’t let my degenerate self run wild, chasing down losses, trying to get it all back in one shot. Keep your eyes on the prize, whatever that is… OK, I’ll try…

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