May 16, 2023: The Hate Files LX

posted in: Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 2

We made it to another milestone; the 60th version of The Hate Files. Who would have thought that this would turn into bedtime reading material for my son, as he asks me to read him a Hate File before bed. “Read the one about LeBron James again”… no problem son. It wasn’t exactly the rationale behind these entries, but hey… Definitely don’t want to teach my son to hate, but expressing your feelings, getting stuff off your chest in a constructive way… yeah, I’m good with that. As I saw the big 6-0 coming up, I had to make it special. This one is personal; this one is for the Chicago Haters.

I’m not even talking sports, but we’ll get there. I’m talking about the national rep of this “most violent city in America”, which is bullshit by the way, but go ahead. Yes, Chicago is my home, born and raised man. I don’t like certain things that happen in MY city; who does like the BS that happens, for that matter anywhere in this country, world? I’m supposed to trash Chicago because of this? People are quick to bash Chicago for “another shooting”, meanwhile, we let people run around with AR-15’s throughout the country preparing for another mass shooting. It’s ridiculous. It’s all so stupid; it’s all so sad. Sure, are there places you don’t want to be at certain times? Yeah, of course. Most of the stuff happens in specific areas, but recently this stuff has spread out to more places, even downtown, Michigan Ave, “nice” neighborhoods. You’re living in a big city; act accordingly. Shit will happen, and has been happening for decades, centuries even. Sure, nowadays though, shit will get captured on video, and yeah, it leaves an impression, no doubt. It can be rough out there, and there’s certainly a wrong place-wrong time component, but… let’s not compare Chicago to a war zone; those are the best ones. First off, that’s telling me you’ve never been here. Secondly, I can guarantee you’ve never been in a war zone; I know I haven’t. To compare Chicago to a place like that is about the dumbest thing you could say. If that was true, I wonder why Chicago is constantly one of the most visited places in this country and the world for that matter. Explain that to me…

But yeah, violence sells, kind of like racism. No shortage of stories & videos of that; it is definitely our ugly side, but not specifically of Chicago… more like America. Ugly things happen; horrible things… Is Chicago to blame for all of this? Well, you know, we do have broad shoulders; we can take it. If you want to hate us, get in line; there are plenty of people that want to point the dirty finger at us. This is nothing new. It gets old though, and since I’m old, it rolls off for the most part, but… I had to say something. The other people I love are the ones from the suburbs that will bash Chicago, but then in the next breath, claim they’re from here; which one is it? If you’re from Schaumburg or Arlington Heights, that’s cool; enjoy. Yet, when you’re on vacation somewhere, it’s “from Chicago” that will come out of your mouth. Huh? Ran into some people in Vegas like that… in their first breath, “oh yeah, we’re from Chicago too… good times”… and about 30 minutes later… “Chicago sucks man; it’s horrible there”. Come again? Don’t be a fake ass. Like I said, if you hate Chicago, cool; stay with that story then. If you prefer to live in the suburbs, good for you; who knows where I’ll end up, but for now, it’s in the city proper… always has been. I can give you street names…

Of course, our sporting achievements over the years have drawn the hate. All the success of the Chicago Bears, most of which has been a long time ago, but we did have ’85… sorry if you don’t think that’s the best NFL team of all time; you’re wrong. Sorry if you don’t think Walter Payton was the best football player of all time either, wrong again. The Blackhawks? Yeah, lots of people hating on us after getting that #1 pick the other day… haha. Fix this. The Cubs, Sox? We can hate each other OK, but don’t be taking shots at the Cubs and Sox outside of Chicago; it’s Chicago over everything right? Of course, I left the best for last; the greatest athlete of all time. Yeah, forget about just “basketball player”… I’m talking the best athlete ever Michael Jordan played here; go ahead and hate… Our true Chicago fans are better than your city’s. Why is it that in every road game for every one of our teams Chicago is out representing? ‘Nuff said. The skyline, lakefront, neighborhoods, restaurants, bars… I’d need to write about 10 of these honestly to give us our due. But I’m really not one to brag…

Yeah, Chicago is pretty great, no cap; anybody that doesn’t think so… OK. Honestly, that’s fine. Everybody has a right to their opinion; you’re missing out. We’re not perfect… far from it, but if you think somewhere else, somebody else is… now you know the problem. We wear it on our sleeves. Will I end up living in the suburbs at some point? Maybe. Will I end up living in another city again, like I did in LA for about 5 years back in the day? Maybe. But guess what? Chicago will always be my home, and I’m proud of it; there ain’t another place like it. If you’ve never been here, then shut your mouth. If you have been here, then you know. There is only one Chicago; F off if you don’t like it. Peace.

2 Responses

  1. catching up again

    What a HOMER !!!!!!!!

    Gotta love it tho. Tell it like it is. Our town, like it or don’t, I don’t care. Don’t like it a lot, leave and find a place that’s more like Camelot, the ‘perfect’ place…..there isn’t one.

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