May 23, 2020: Millionaires vs Billionaires

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When will baseball return? You would think, that out of all the sports, it would be easiest for baseball to return to action. We see baseball back in Korea; I think it’s coming back in Taiwan too. What is the problem? Well, unfortunately, it seems like a case of millionaires vs billionaires.

Look, the number one thing has to be player safety. Let’s forget about money for a minute. Making sure that each player’s health is highest priority; doing everything and anything that can be done to make players feel safe back on the field… this has to be number one, period. With everything we know about this virus, do we think we’re at a point where MLB can do this? If the answer is no, the conversation ends here. If the answer is yes, then let’s continue.

The game is going to start off with no fans, that seems like a certainty. That’s OK. It’s not a long term thing, but this will HAVE to be the way it begins… unless we’re just scratching the 2020 season. No fans equals less revenue coming in. Excuse me if I don’t feel horrible about a bunch of billionaires taking a hit to the pocket. So these owners want to share the burden of decreased revenues with the players, right? That seems fair in concept. I mean, if the billionaires take a percentage hit, and the millionaires take a different, fair percentage hit, that should be OK no? I guess not.

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It’s too bad that it has to be this way. It’s not a good look for anybody involved, both the owners and players. It’s not surprising though. Doesn’t it always come down to money? Trying to put yourself in the shoes of a player/millionaire or worse yet, an owner/billionaire, is not really feasible. We think about that kind of money and how that would change our lives… what the hell is the problem guys? Well, it’s business; it’s not personal, it’s only business. The millions of fans that just want to see baseball back are the ones that suffer; we miss watching our teams and don’t want to hear about these rich folks taking a hit in the pocket. After all, how is that unemployment rate looking? If you are employed, maybe you’ve taken a financial hit through all of this; maybe you haven’t, and have continued to work through this entire pandemic without any additional pay. With these parties squabbling about dollars, it alienates us the common folk; we can’t relate. Yet at the end of the day, it’s all about business, and both sides are trying to do what they think is best for business. Period.

So talk crap about the players… blame the owners for being greedy. This is natural. This feels like the right thing to do. Yet if you remember the MLB is a business, and the owners are in it to make money, and the players are using their talents to be compensated fair market value, it makes more sense. Yet in this world of COVID that we’re living in today, where everything has been turned upside down, you would just hope that this “business” stuff can be put aside for a season, or whatever can be salvaged from it. Because the last time I checked, something is better than nothing… live sports, money, whatever. So let’s get it done and not F this up. We want baseball back. Figure it out.

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