September 13, 2019: Friday the 13th

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Did you do anything special on Friday the 13th?  I was never really into those movies; didn’t really get into the Freddy flicks either.  I was more of a Michael Myers guy.  Yet, we flipped around on some of the Jason movies to celebrate this superstitious day.  We even tuned into Freddy vs Jason for a few.  I think my wife got annoyed when I was bursting out laughing at a couple of the scenes; not sure that’s the desired effect of these type of movies, but oh well.  It’s not like I believe in the whole Friday the 13th thing anyways… you’ll never catch me being superstitious about anything…  ha!

Being a die hard sports fan and being superstitious go hand in hand, no?  I’d love to hear about all the things that people do or don’t do in order to “help” their team win a game.  I remember for me, it started as a kid during the Bulls runs.  We’d have Nerf baskets up in the house; I’d also use lamp shades as a “basket” for balloons, trying to land it perfectly in there with every shot.  I’d tell myself before I took the shot: “If this shot goes in, the Bulls will win”.  Of course, if I didn’t make it, I’d do it again, and again, and again, until I made it… convinced now, that I did MY part in making my team victorious.  On the flip side, I remember not trying to do certain things in exchange for a win for my team.  Like being on my best behavior as a kid with the hopes that my reward will be my team’s victory, or as I got older, not drinking alcohol on a specific weekend, using that as my sacrifice in order to see a win.  I could go on…

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I feel like I should go out and do interviews for this one, only imagining, if people were totally honest, what they really did or didn’t do in hopes of influencing the outcome of a game.  That would be some classic shit.  It got worse when I started gambling.  The worst of it all was when I bet on a Chicago game; as if I didn’t have enough riding on each game emotionally, I had to invest financially in the outcome?  You think I was mad when my team lost in general… you should have been around me when I lost money on the game too; ask my wife, she’ll tell you.  I struggle with the whole head vs heart thing… constantly.  Worst yet, was when I bet against my team.  I did it thinking, reverse psychology, like I would pay money in order to see my team win.  That was my sacrifice.  Yeah, when it worked, I didn’t mind.  But when it didn’t… like one game the Bears played against the Bills back in the day; I think they won like 55-10.  Well, I had taken the Bills plus the points; why was I getting a little ticked every time the Bears extended the lead?  Of course, I wanted to have my cake and eat it too… Bears win by X points; of course that wouldn’t happen.  Kind of glad not to be laying money on my teams any more, although I do think there could be some opportunities in there…  I’d have to take my heart out of it, which is not possible.

But yeah, made it through this 13th on a Friday in this month of September; wasn’t worried.  Now let me stop so I can figure out what I’m going to do in order to help the Bears win this week…

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